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Northeast Lakeview College offers associate degrees, certificates, core classes, transfer areas of study, and specialized programs.

Interested in Construction Management, IT, Cyber Defense, Logistics, Construction Management, or Social Media & Digital Marketing?

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Construction Management

施工经理在施工业务的各个阶段工作.g., public and private owners, small multi-family projects, industrial projects, and rural highways to major interstates. Graduates of this program can go into estimating, field engineering, project scheduling, 和其他管理水平-一般或专业承包商在机械领域, plumbing, and electrical.

Learn more about our Construction Management A.A.S

Cloud Computing

云计算为学生提供了设计的知识和实践技能, 通过云部署管理和保护零信任网络. This program places emphasis on routing, switching, firewalls, 以及物理和云环境中的服务器虚拟化. 

Learn more about our Cloud Computing, A.A.S

What is Cyber Defense?

NLC的网络防御计划为学生提供思科行业相关的网络安全培训, Windows, and Linux inside of a dedicated network environment. 我们的教学方法平衡了传统的课堂教育与实践项目,学生使用“现实世界”的工具来解决“现实世界”的网络安全挑战.

Learn more about our Cyber Defense program

Database Administration, A.A.S.

数据库管理澳门正规博彩十大排行平台科学副学士教育学生分析, develop and implement databases, provide data assurances and perform database tests. 该项目将实践培训与技术技能组合在一起, which includes assessing the needs of the user, 故障排除和配置服务器平台.

Learn more about Database Administration, A.A.S.

IT network program

Interested in a career as a Systems Engineer; IT Engineer, or the ability to provide on-site network management and support; design, deploy, manage, and configure server solutions? 通过我们的网络管理课程获得所需的技能. 

Learn  more about the AAS and certificates available


Logistics is the movement of supplies, materials, 和人们从一个地方到另一个地方,以满足企业和消费者的需求. 它包括库存管理、质量控制、采购、运营管理等等. 所有企业都依靠物流专业人员来保持库存的流动.

According to the U.S. News and World Report, 物流和供应链管理是50个发展最快的职业领域之一. Career & Employment opportunities with salaries of up to $100K

Learn more about our Logistics Program

Social Media & Digital Marketing

这是一个创新的项目,将让学生沉浸在社交媒体和数字营销的爆炸性增长行业中. The only one of its kind in the area. 学生将建立对数字环境下市场营销的理解, 探索通过社交媒体和其他在线品牌平台向消费者传达信息的独特需求. 掌握在这个高需求领域工作所需的技能, with projected job growth of 9% through 2024.

Learn more about our Social Media & Digital Marketing Program


生物学:护理预科支持学院的使命,以满足在大学平行入学的学生的教育目标, pre-professional, or technical/allied health programs. 护理学预科课程的学习认识到转学生的需要.  学生可以从NLC开始,然后转学到另一个机构来完成护理要求或完成NLC的副学士学位.

Learn more about Pre-Nursing

Texas A&M-Chevron Engineering Academy at Alamo Colleges District - Northeast Lakeview College

Get a head start on your Texas A&M engineering degree by applying for the Texas A&雪佛龙工程学院在澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区 Northeast Lakeview College.

Offered in partnership with Texas A&M University's College of Engineering, 这个独特的项目为学生提供了一个攻读工程学位的机会&M and the Alamo Colleges District. 学生们可以在头两年省钱,在这两年里,他们将学习德州农学院教授的工程课程&他在东北湖景学院(northeastern Lakeview College)担任硕士教师,后来转到德州农学院(Texas A)&M campus in College Station. Learn more about the academy

Learn more about Engineering Academy


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